Ingredients :
-5 Oranges
-4 Cups of water (For Boiling)
-2 1/4 Cups Water (For the Syrup)
-2 1/2 Cups Granulated White Sugar
-1/4 Cup Freshly Squeezed Lemon or Lime Juice
-1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
-100g of Dark Chocolate (At least 70%)
Preparation :
To prepare the oranges, cut them into quarters, keep only the peel and slice it in thin strips. Using a knife remove the pith like if you were filleting a fish. While doing so, bring a pan of water to a boil and blanch the peel for 3 minutes. Drain and rinse in cold tap water for 2 minutes. Repeat this process 2 more times.
(Optional) Add 3 teaspoon of salt in a bowl of water and drop the peels in it. Place in refrigerator for 8 hours. This will remove as much of the bitterness as possible. Drain before next step.
In a pan, bring the water and sugar to a boil until it becomes clear and the sugar has dissolved in the water. Add the Vanilla Extract, Squeezed Lemon or Lime juice, and the Peels into the pan. Let it cook for 45 minutes. Remove from heat and drain the peels. Set them on a cooling rack for at least 12 hours.
To melt the chocolate, use a double boiler and using your fingers or cooking tweezers, dip each piece of peel, coating everything except about half an inch on the edge (where you are holding the peel with your fingers) and set them on a baking sheet.
(Optional) For garnish, melt some white chocolate in a double boiler and with a spoon splatter some over the orange peels.
Let it cool for 4 hours.